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Cookson Creek Baptist Church

Home: Welcome

Cookson Creek Baptist Church at a Glance

Cookson Creek Baptist Church was established in 1836 and currently stands as the 2nd oldest continued church in Polk County. While the foundation and parts of the building are originals, the church has undergone many renovations throughout the years--one of the more recent being the stone, silo-shaped teenage Sunday School classroom. The church sits alongside the beautiful creek, after which it was named, and just down the road from Cookson Creek Cemetery.


Service Times:

Sunday School:     10:00 AM
Sunday Morning:   11:00 AM
Sunday Evening:    6:00 PM
Wednesday Night:  7:00 PM

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Staying "relevant" in today's society is difficult for many churches. Many people think of the church as a club for those "Holier than Thou" so-called Christians. Here at Cookson Creek, we think of church more as a rehabilitation center for sinners. That is why we try to do our little part in making the world a better place. Learn more about what we do, who we help, and how we work every day to promote positive change.

Home: What We Do

Sunday School & Bible Studies

Every Sunday Morning starting just after 10 a.m. we have Sunday School. We have classes for all ages, ranging from our primary class (ages 0-5) to our adults' class. Our teachers put their planning to use helping kids learn about Christ, how to live as a Christian in today's world, and all of those Bible Stories that many of us grew up hearing.


As the Body of Christ, we also strive to better ourselves. Ask us about our Bible Studies for the opportunity to dive into the Word for a deeper understanding.

Youth Program

We value the youth at Cookson Creek. Many people say that our youth is "The Church of Tomorrow," but we believe that they are just as much "The Church of Today." Jesus said, â€‹


"Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven."


​Our Youth Directors, Dylan & Michaela Parris, are constantly planning new activities, programs, and trips to keep our kids on the right path all while having a good time.


As with most churches, we have a prayer ministry here at the Creek. Wednesday nights are designated as "Prayer Services" as much of the beginning of the service is spent sharing prayer requests, updates, and praise reports. Please see our Prayer Requests below to see a list of ongoing prayer requests and feel free to submit requests that we are more than happy to pray over with you.

Contact Cookson Creek Baptist Church

1686 Sand Mountain Rd, Ocoee, TN 37361

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